German automaker Daimler AG has agreed to resolve the emissions lawsuits filed against the company in the US. The Mercedes-Benz manufacturer will pay $1.5bn to settle Mercedes diesel compensation claims in the United States, particularly in California. The emission claims are a result of Daimler’s violation of US environmental laws when it was discovered that the automaker used defeat devices in thousands of diesel vans and cars sold in the US. These devices are software programmed...
User manual, also known as a user guide or user documentation, is usually offered to the customers once they purchase a product or a service. It is, in fact, a technical document that assists the people (usually non-technical) to...
Changing the air filter on a motorcycle is a routine maintenance activity that must be completed on a regular basis. This is especially critical if you ride on dusty terrain frequently. The motorbike air filter's purpose is to keep...
An in car camera or dash cam is becoming an increasingly popular safety accessory for drivers across the UK. The main purpose of a dash cam is to keep track of every detail from your journey, from start to...
When you purchase that brand new car, make sure that you do everything in your power to get it insured. This is the first step in the process, because most localities have specific laws and guidelines that dictate how...
They say that second-hand purchases come with second-hand problems. While there are plenty of potential roadblocks when buying a used car, there is no denying that the pros far outweigh the cons. For example, the price of used cars...
Picking the best tire for your cruiser is a must. Before we begin anything, we might want to firmly say that, a tire ought to be chosen according to the driving conditions, your driving procedure and in particular sorting...
Questions come to our minds while we come across a vehicle brushing against someone on the street but fleeing in fear of getting rebuked. Even though you're quick enough to get the registration number, it's not easy to track the vehicle....
VIN is a unique number assigned to every vehicle. It is to simplify the process of identification of the vehicle. It not only consists of numbers but also has letters and it ranges between 16 to 18 characters. If...